DEEP HEAT | Know Your Deep Heat Products

We are all familiar with the bright and flaming red letters of the Deep Heat products, readily available in retail and pharmacies outlets. When you see the well-known red letters, you almost immediately recall its unmistakable aroma. Deep Heat, with its long heritage, is a trusted Clinically Proven Pain Relief brand that has been used by most of us who have participated in sport or suffered from an achy muscle. 

In the past, Deep Heat was known as the product athletes used before events to help warm up the muscles in order to prevent injury. With time, and as modern life has become increasingly demanding on our physical bodies, Deep Heat has evolved and now offers numerous options for sport and sport-related injuries as well as for any individual suffering from a range of aches and pains. 

Deep Heat Rub, probably the most well-known of all Deep Heat products, is available in a sachet and tubes of differing sizes. Generally used to help ease muscular pain, Deep Heat Rub is easy to apply topically and directly to the point of pain. It is also used for sore joints (arthritis, stiffness, and other conditions) as the heating effect of the rub brings a soothing relief. Deep Heat Rub can also be used to warm up muscles before physical activities and, in the cooler winter months, users often use it for ‘winter fingers and toes’ as the heat increases blood flow to the effected digits, thereby bringing relief. 

Also available in a handy roll-on bottle – it allows for quick, effective, and easy application to the pain area. The Deep Heat Warming Belt can be worn around the waist for relief of lower back pain and provides up to 12 hours of soothing heat. 

In addition, Deep Heat also offers both Neck and Joint Patches. Applied to painful areas in the same manner as one would a plaster, the slow release of Deep Heat’s soothing effect lasts for 12 hours. The patches are applied directly to the skin at the stiff or painful area, with Deep Heat’s ingredients bringing about warmth and subsequent relaxation. It has also been used effectively for the treatment of neck and shoulder pain as well as pain in the lower limbs.

The latest addition to the Deep Heat range is that of the Deep Heat Period Pain Patch used in the relief of period pain for women. It is proving very effective and provides a soothing and warming effect to the pelvic area.

Lastly, the Deep Heat Bath Tonic and Shower Gel can be used after a hard training session or just at the end of a long, exhausting day. The Deep Heat Bath Tonic and Shower Gel has a distinct aroma and relaxing effect, it is a wonderful way to help relax and restore one’s body. 

As time has passed, life has become increasingly more demanding on our bodies. Deep Heat has evolved to keep up with our modern lifestyle and is proven to be especially effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal aches and pains.

Conveniently packaged, and easy to use, be sure to keep your Deep Heat products handy for those achy and painful days. 

Article written by EPT – The Ultimate Sports Recovery Experts